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  • Google Play celebra 25 bilhões de downloads

    Anônimo | 19:03 |

    Após alcançar 25 bilhões de downloads, a Google Play disponibiliza alguns aplicativos pela bagatela de US$0,25 algo em torno de R$0,50.
    Veja a lista completa.

    Cut the Rope: ExperimentsCut the Rope: Experiments
    Corte as cordas, alimente o Om Nom e ajude o Professor com loucas experiência…
    doubleTwist Alarm ClockdoubleTwist Alarm Clock
    Wake up to your music with doubleTwist Alarm Clock, the most beautiful Alarm …
    World of GooWorld of Goo
    ———– – "Game of the Year" -MetaCritic, IGN, TouchArcade, Rock Paper Sh…

    SketchBook MobileSketchBook Mobile
    Unleash your creativity with SketchBook Mobile for Android! Autodesk SketchBo…

    AME O FUTEBOL. JOGUE FUTEBOL. Aproveite toda a emoção do seu esporte favorito…

    Paper CameraPaper Camera
    See the world through a novel, original, stylish and captivating lens. Real t…

    The Going to Bed Book-BoyntonThe Going to Bed Book-Boynton

    The first digital Sandra Boynton book app is here and it’s completely terrifi…

    Flick Nations RugbyFlick Nations Rugby
    ★★★★★ Flick The Winner! ★★★★★ DESCRIPTION Lace up, take a deep breath and Kic…

    Shark DashShark Dash
    Descobre um inovador quebra-cabeças baseado nas leis da física! Descobre o ma…

    Dungeon VillageDungeon Village
    Build a heroic hamlet that warriors and merchants can call home! Welcome to a…

    Mini Motor RacingMini Motor Racing
    Little cars, BIG fun! Start your engines! The most vibrant, super-charged rac…

    Color & Draw for kids phone edColor & Draw for kids phone ed
    Simply the best coloring and drawing app for kids (and adults too!) Color & D…

    Color & Draw for kids HDColor & Draw for kids HD
    A complete art world for kids: color, play with stickers, or draw over photos…

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